Securing Retirement for Senior Citizens

First and foremost, I oppose making changes to Social Security and Medicare, particularly for those in or near retirement. These are programs that seniors have paid into and are a contract between seniors and the federal government. This promise must be kept. Additionally, inflation and higher prices adversely affect seniors living on fixed incomes. Washington needs to get serious about the root cause of inflation – multi-trillion-dollar deficits and a growing national debt. I refused to be part of the go-along-to-get-along crowd and forced the only floor vote on a Constitutional Balanced Budget Amendment in 25 years. I will continue to fight for commonsense fiscal policies in Congress.

  • Voted to increase price transparency throughout the healthcare system
  • Voted to end surprise medical billing practices
  • Passed into law my Seniors Tax Simplification Act to create a new, simple tax filing form for senior citizens
  • Voted to expand Medicare coverage for cancer screenings and prioritize Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and Menopause research
  • Voted against changes to Social Security benefits
  • Voted for legislation that would guarantee that Social Security checks are never held hostage to budget negotiations
  • Voted against legislation that would have made changes to Medicare for those who are nearing retirement