FLORIDA TODAY gave Rep. Bill Posey a “thumbs down” Wednesday for what it labeled an “impossible stand” on Obamacare. Let’s review Rep. Posey’s position the day of the partial shutdown.
First, requiring members of Congress, staff, the president, White House staff and presidential appointees to sign up for Obamacare. Second, delaying the Obamacare mandate on individuals for one year. If someone wanted to sign up for Obamacare, they could still enroll.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid objected to these two points.
Rep. Posey’s office has received numerous correspondence from constituents who have seen their premiums increase as much as 400 percent, had their work hours cut, have been dropped from their plans or can’t keep their doctors.
When Obamacare was passed, Americans were assured they could keep their current plans and doctors, costs would go down, it was not a tax, and there would be no rationing of medical care. Advocates for Obamacare should ensure that it does the things they said it would do, and provide relief to all who are adversely impacted.
Sen. Reid let the government shut down to protect the White House from having to use a product that they are forcing others to buy, while not letting people say no to something they don’t want.
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